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Christchurch(Church in Wales) Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Eglwys yng Nghymru

Shine your Light

WEEKLY Homework

November 20th



Write an ACROSTIC POEM about yourself. 


For example, we wrote one about our headteacher


M rs  Davies is kind

R unner

S miles


D ancing 

A  lways works hard

V  ery intelligent

I   ncredible

E  veryone loves her

S  preads kindness like glitter!



  • Read to an adult and ask them to write in your diary.
  • Practice adding and subtracting numbers.
  • Practice your RWI sounds and spellings.
  • Practice your nativity lines

Ha ha half term holiday

Homework 16.10.20


Literacy   -  Family task - Can you name  26 different foods to celebrate Harvest? Use the alphabet to help you,

For example: A= apple     B= banana    C=  cabbage  all the way to z. 


Numeracy - Play Simon Says using directions.

Homework sheet 2nd October
