This week our special letter is i for ink, igloo and in.
Go on a hunt for other things that start with the i sound. How many things can you find?
Build an igloo or a home for an insect using recycling (cardboard, plastics etc.)
Using a teddy, doll, small figure etc practise using prepositions in, on, under, in front, behind. Give instructions such as "Put teddy in the box." "Put the doll on the table." "Put teddy under the blanket." Then put the teddy/doll/figure somewhere and ask your child where it is. Encourage them to use a sentence such as "Teddy is under the chair." "Doll is on the table."
Extension - use two objects "Put teddy in the box and dolly on the table."
Have a go at measuring with small objects such as coins. How many 2p coins long is a pencil or how many pencils long is the television etc?
Research animals that live in rock pools or on the beach. Draw a picture of them and ask your adult to write down what they are.