Home Page

Christchurch(Church in Wales) Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Eglwys yng Nghymru

Shine your Light


Welcome to our school gallery!

This is where we will be uploading photos of any school events that happen throughout the year. Keep checking back for updates.


Come along on our journey with us! smiley

Y6 Leavers Concert 2024

Archived Gallery 

We have moved any old photo albums into this section so you are still able to look back at memories from years gone by.

2023  Teachers - International Travel Around the World 

Celebrating Diversity at Christchurch- Eid Al Fitr Day 2024

Making Friends with Children from Knelston Primary ❤️🤝

RSE Workshop Agents of Change 2024

Sammy Seagull Recycling Assembly 2024

Houses of Parliament, London Trip 2024

We went to the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in Cardiff. Visit the gallery to see more!

Celebrating Diversity:Anti Racist RVE for All

Christchurch Cook School! 👩🏽‍🍳👨🏼‍🍳
