Dear Zoo
Watch the story of Dear Zoo (link below) and complete some of the activities below.
1. Have you ever been to the zoo, an animal farm or a pet shop? I love going to Folly Farm with my family, Isabella likes watching the penguins swimming in their pool and I love to visit the giraffes. What did you see on your visit? Draw a picture of something that you saw.
Nursery - Complete the sentence "I saw a..."
Reception - Complete the sentence 'I saw a... it was..." for example I saw a giraffe it was tall or I saw a snake it was slippery.
2. Create a picture or 3D model of you favourite animal.
3. Do you have a pet? What pet do you have? What does your pet need to stay healthy? Draw a picture of your pet and write a list of all the things it needs. Nursery ask a grown up to help you. Reception have a go at sounding the words out yourself. If you don't have a pet, choose your favourite one to draw and write about.
4. Get a small collection of animal toys or pictures. Can you sort them into two or three categories such as ones with stripes, spots or plain or ones with fur and ones without. Can you explain to your grown up what your categories are?
You can make this activity easier by giving your child the categories that they need to use e.g. animals that live in water and one that live on land.
5. Can you make a cage or enclosure for an animal in the zoo? You could use blocks, play dough with spaghetti or sticks, cardboard boxes or junk materials etc.
6. Can you move around like different types of animals? Stretch up tall like a giraffe, wriggle like a snake, stomp like an elephant, tip toe like a mouse. What other animals can you move like?
7. Handprint animals - paint a handprint or draw around your hand. What animal can you turn it in to?