28.4.20 Stick Man
Watch the story of Stick Man (link below) and then choose one activity to do each day.
1. Collect 5 sticks or leaves or strips of paper. Can you put them in order of size from shortest to the longest? Extension: Try doing this activity with more sticks/leaves/paper.
2. Make your own Stick Man. You could use a cardboard tube if you haven't got any sticks. (See photographs below)
3. Stick Man wanted to be at home with his family. What have you enjoyed doing at home with your family? Can you draw a picture of it?
Nursery - Write one or two words to say what your picture is of.
Reception - Write a sentence 'I enjoyed...'
Extension - Why did you enjoy it? 'I enjoyed... because...'
Remember to only use a capital letter at the start of your sentence and the beginning of someone's name.
4. Create your own family tree. Template below.
5. Draw a portrait of your family. Think about the colour of their hair and eyes. Talk about how many arms, eyes etc each person needs.
6. Stick Man goes on lots of adventures when he's away from his family. Where would you like to take Stick Man on an adventure? Draw a picture of your adventure.
Nursery - Write one or two words to say where your adventure is.
Reception - Write a sentence 'I would go to...'
Extension - Why would you take Stick Man there? 'I would go to... because...'
Remember to only use a capital letter at the start of your sentence and the beginning of someone's name.
27.4.20 Practise writing your name
Write your name using chalk, paint, play doh, crayons, water and brushes, felt pens or in a tray of flour or rice.
Remember to only use a capital letter at the start of your name. We always start on the line to write a letter and whoosh up to begin writing, for example we say 'Whoosh up, around the apple and down the leaf' to write the letter a. The rhymes we use to help us are in your home learning packs.
Try writing the Oxford Reading Tree characters names: Biff, Chip, Kipper, Floppy, Mum and Dad.