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Christchurch(Church in Wales) Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Eglwys yng Nghymru

Shine your Light


Purposes of the curriculum

1.Ambitious capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives
2.Enterprising creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work
3.Ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world; and
4.Healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society


Christchurch School was a Pioneer School for 'Curriculum for Wales'.  Children are taught through six areas of learning;


Language, Literacy and Communication

Mathematics and Numeracy

Expressive Arts

Health and Well-Being

Science and Technology



The National Curriculum is delivered through a cross curricular topic based approach which is more relevant to pupils. To this end regular visits are arranged, this highlights their topic work.

A variety of teaching methods are used including whole class teaching, group and individual work.

The progress of each individual child is carefully assessed and recorded. We believe that children learn best when they are having fun.


To maximize the potential of all our learners, including staff, we believe in providing rich and exciting experiences. Our commitment is to develop a curriculum that engages, enthuses, and inspires both pupils and staff. We encourage teachers to teach in ways they believe will yield the best outcomes for their learners. Our focus is on acquiring and applying skills and knowledge through experiential and active learning. Each term, we study a whole school topic.

All children contribute to their curriculum, ensuring they have ownership of their learning through class planning at the start of each term. Every whole school topic is launched with an enrichment experience such as a trips, school-based activities, and the involvement of visitors to ensure effective learner engagement from the start of each term.



Welsh Language

At Christchurch School children are taught through the medium of English. All pupils receive Welsh lessons, in line with National Curriculum Guidelines. A specialist teacher visits the school fortnightly to work with both pupils and teachers.

Children are encouraged to use Welsh incidentally in class, and the “Cwricwlwm Cymreig” underpins many aspects of the activities undertaken at school.


Religious Education

Although Religious Education is compulsory in all schools, in Christchurch School it forms the basis of our school lives. It aims to help pupils to understand the Christian teachings of the Bible, and develop a caring and loving attitude to their fellow pupils and world wide families. Pupils actively contribute to the Morning Assembly, and their attendance at the major festivals of the Christian year at Christchurch, is marked with singing and drama and other musical activities. Pupils, parents and teachers join together in these acts of worship. Pupils and parents are encouraged to attend the first Sunday in the month Family Eucharist; with children taking an active part in this worship.


Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE)

Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) is mandatory from 2022 and is considered as part of the Health and Well-Being Area of learning, as well as being a cross cutting theme across all learning.

Sex education is not taught as a subject in isolation but is dealt with in a sensitive manner as and when it is considered to be appropriate to the needs of the individual child. This will be taught in accordance with the City and County of Swansea Relationships and Sexuality Policy Statement and RSE Code, as accepted by the Governing Body of the school. A copy of this document is available on request from the Headteacher.




At Christchurch the early years curriculum is about your CHILD.


We are concerned not only with the content, but also with the context of the learning. The process is as important as the outcome.




We provide well structured and purposeful play activities to enhance and extend your child's learning. Play is fundamental to the way children learn, it is also critical to the way children become self aware and the way in which they learn the rules of social behaviour.


At Christchurch we are here to help your children, to guide their play, to offer choices and to challenge them with care and sensitivity, to encourage them and move their learning along.



Competent use of language is the most fundamental of human skills. It is a deciding factor in mastery of other areas of learning. At Christchurch we provide a wide range of language opportunities for our children to establish a good foundation for future learning.




Our children are at an age where they will be learning about themselves. At Christchurch they will learn about relationships with other children and with adults. They will learn about the world outside the family, about how people live and work, about the past and about people and places outside their direct experience. They will learn about standards of good behaviour and develop appropriate attitudes.



At Christchurch nursery our children are introduced to mathematical processes in a meaningful way. Mathematics will be visual, concrete and practical.





Our children have experiences of other cultures, of past events and of the work people do, of the use of money, of the environment, of animals and other living things.

To establish a foundation of confidence and enjoyment in science and technology our children are encouraged to experiment, test, build and generally find out how things work.



Our children have access to a range of safe and stimulating outdoor play. We teach them the concepts of hygiene and safety. Both indoors and out our children are provided with opportunities to develop their physical control, mobility, awareness of space and a range of manipulative skills.



We continually provide opportunities for our children to develop their imagination and creativity in a variety of ways, e.g. through music, art, I.T. dance and drama.
