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Christchurch(Church in Wales) Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Eglwys yng Nghymru

Shine your Light

Foundation Phase 2 (Year 1/2)

Christmas at Christchurch 2022

FP2 had an amazing day visiting Father Christmas at Plantasia. Enjoy looking at all our photos πŸ˜ŠπŸŽ„πŸŽ…

Foundation Phase Homework – Welcome Pack – Autumn 2022 

Dear Parents, 

                        Welcome to Year 1 and 2. Every week, your child will be given homework to complete at home. Please sit with your child and complete the activities set. From next week, your child will have a homework book to record their work in. Please bring the homework book back to school before the following WEDNESDAY, to allow the teachers to mark the work.  Homework will be handed out every Friday.  


This week, every child has been given a starter pack. You should have a laminated sheet of sounds for your child to write on and rub off with a board pen.  


You may want to use chalk, crayons, paint and foam etc to further practice the letter names and sounds. Ask your child to read and say the sounds. Can you spell 3 or 4 letter words using the sounds?  

We really think reading is SUPER important! Please listen to your child read their class book at home and write a comment in their reading diary to let us know how well they got on. 😊  


‘Learn to to learn!’ 



We have had a fantastic first full week in FP2. The children have been a delight to teach and have settled in well. 





  • FRIDAY 23RD SEPTEMBER – Children will be celebrating Fflic and Fflac’s 7th birthday. Next week in class we will be writing invitations, instructions on how to play pass the parcel and learn how to measure using standard/ non- standard units of measurements to make party hats. We will have a party in the afternoon. Children are invited to wear party clothes.  

  • THURSDAY 29THSEPTEMBER – The whole school is having a ‘This is ME!’ day, to support our topic. Children are welcome to wear national dress or wear something that tells us about themselves. 


 For example, if your family originates from Africa, you may want to wear the colours of the flag or traditional African clothes. Or if you are a super keen footballer, you may want to wear your team’s kit. 

Children are welcome to bring objects/ photographs that help tell us about themselves. PLEASE do not bring valuables into school as we cannot accept any responsibility for lost or broken items.  


  • PE kits need to be brought in, clearly labelled with your child’s name.  

  • We are asking for £5.00 per term to cover the cost of daily fruit the children have and pay for any cooking activities.  


Have a lovely weekend,   

Miss Herbert and Mrs Sears-Neale  
