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Christchurch(Church in Wales) Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Eglwys yng Nghymru

Shine your Light



Date handed out: 10th December

Dear Parents,

               What a wonderful autumn term we have had! All of the staff in FP2 are super proud of each child. It has been an absolute pleasure to teach your children. Please visit to see our adventures. Look in class pages and the gallery for pictures, podcasts and the Nativity video. We hope you enjoy watching it.

May I take this opportunity to thank you for all of your hard work, support and kindness this term. Have a lovely Christmas. We look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.

Foundation Phase leader – Miss Herbert

Staff –Mrs Sears-Neale     Miss O’rielly       Mrs Lang

Student teacher on placement – Miss Brake   


  • Tuesday 14th December –School Christmas dinner and jumper day.
  • Wednesday 15th December – Year ½ class party. Your child will need a plate of party food with their name on. The children can wear party clothes.
  • Thursday 16th December – Christmas school trip. Your child can wear a Christmas jumper and joggers. Please ensure your child has a warm coat and sensible shoes, as we will be walking to the LC2.
  • Friday 17th December  -  INSET



There are many website links on our website if you want to keep busy over the holiday.

Enjoy the holiday.



  • Thursday 16th December – Christmas Trip to LC2 with food. Please sign the consent form and return to school. Cost £8 in cash please.
  • We are getting ready for the school nativity. This year the children will dress up as shepherds and angles/stars. We will be asking for costumes to be in by 6th December.

Shepherds – plain dressing gown with a tea towel for the head.

Stars/Angels – own costume or a black top and leggings for star.

  • School inset day on Friday 17th December.




We have been writing ACROSTIC poems. Can you write your own poem?  Choose one of these words to use . (Remember an acrostic poem uses the first letter to make a sentence or spell a word)


S  now is white.

N ice to play in.

O ften icy and freezing


SNOW            ICE                    WINTER                 COLD                 SNOWMAN                  ANGEL   

W inter wonderland




Homework – Handed out 19th November 2021



Dear Parents, 

We have had another busy week in FP2! This week we are taking part in our university project SKIP. Have a look at our website and blogging pages to see our adventures. A huge thank you for your support and generosity during Children in Need. 



  • There will be an informal fun computer workshop for parents to help with navigating around TT Rock Stars and HWB online. If you would like to book a space, please let us know. There will be computers set up for you. 


Computer parent workshop – Thursday 25th November at 3:30pm in the school hall with refreshments . The purpose of the work shop is to support parents in using the digital platforms the children use in school.  



  • Christmas trip to soft play at LC with food. Proposed date Thursday 16th December. Consents and letters will be handed out soon.  



  • School Inset day – Friday 17th December. 


HOMEWORK - Learn your sentence πŸ˜Š  

Miss Herbert’s group (aw) 

Miss O’Reilly’s group (oy) 

Mrs Sears-Neale’s group (cvc) 

The mouse caught his claw in the straw at dawn. 

Troy the boy played with a toy.  

The red bus was big.  



Can you go on a number walk and look at the numbers on the houses where you live? What patterns can you see in the numbers? Maybe send some photos to  

Have a wonderful weekend, 


Miss Herbert, Mrs Sears-Neale and the FP2 team.  



HOMEWORK  12.11.21  


Every child is having a ‘One Page Profile’ in FP2.  


What is the purpose of one-page profiles? 


A one page profile is a summary of what is important to a child and how they want to be supported. It will help us in school to help and support the children to achieve their goals. A one page profile captures all the important information about a child on a single sheet of paper. It was very successful last year in Year 2.  

Please sit with your child and answer the questions together. The teachers will type up the answers and make a colourful profile for each child. Please see overleaf an example of a one page profile for our puppet Fflic. 


Spelling Words  

Miss H  ( o-e) 

Miss O’Reilly ( ee ) 

Mrs Sears-Neale  cvc  

Learn this sentence with punctuation: 


I dropped a huge grey speckled stone in the ocean, and it made a hole. 

Learn this sentence with punctuation: 


I can see a green tree and a bee.  

Learn this sentence with punctuation:  


The fat cat sat on the mat.  



This week we have been practicing our 2 times table. We have used glitter, TT Rockstars, matching numbers sentences around the yard, jumping in 2’s and singing along with Percy Parker. 

For homework can you write out your 2 times table in your homework book, for example. 

1x2=2           2x2=4             You can also use these links to help you practice. 

2 Times Table Song - Percy Parker - Wave Your Arms In The Air With Percy - animation, lyrics & GRID 


Have a lovely weekend  

Miss Herbert, Mrs Sears-Neale and team πŸ˜‰  


Foundation Phase Homework  - 05.11.21 

Welcome back!  

We hope you all had a lovely half term and are ready for super fun in FP2!  


  • Children in Need is on Friday 19th November. Children are invited to wear PJ’s or CIN themed clothing.  

  • We are asking for a donation of £4.50 per term to pay for the daily fruit the children have at snack time. This money is used for cooking activities and seasonal craft.  


  • Read to an adult and ask them to write in your diary. 

  • Complete the work below in your yellow homework book. 


Learn your words below. Write a sentence to show you understand the meaning of each word. Remember to check your full stops and capital letters. Maybe spell out your words using play dough, paint, chalk or rainbow writing. 

Miss Herbert  ay  a-e  ai  

Miss O’Reilly   ay 

Mrs Sears-Neale   CVC  

train       snake     cake     crayon      snowflake  

x-ray     tray     away     spray    


fox      pin     cow     man    zip   

Maths This week we have been practicing logging onto Times Table Rockstars to practice our 2 times table. The children enjoy collecting coins to change their rockstars while learning their times table. Please can you encourage your children to continue to practice over the weekend? We are attaching a list of suitable websites that we use in school to consolidate the children’s learning. We will also add these to the school website, and they will be updated regularly. If you have any that your child enjoys maybe you could share them with us. 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Herbert, Mrs Sears-Neale and FP2 team πŸ˜Š  

HA HA HALF TERM HOMEWORK    Handed out 15.10.21 






HA HA HA Half term Homework  


We have an INSET day in school on Friday 22nd October, so the homework below will be carried over the half term.  

Thank you for a wonderful first half term! The children are such delights, and they are a pleasure to teach.


Enjoy the Half term.  

Read through the list and choose at least 3 or more activities to complete: 


  • Read to an adult at least 5 times and ask them to write a comment in your diary. 
  • Go on a stick hunt. Bring a stick back to school to help build up a collection of sticks in our Nature Zone.  
  • Create a HARVEST picture. You are welcome to use anything you like. 
  • Go onto your HWB account and type up a diary recount or draw a picture of your Half term adventures. 
  • Go and collect leaves. Make an animal leaf picture. Glue the leaves down to create a picture.  
  • With an adult, follow a recipe to make a healthy snack to support our school topic. 
  • Complete the sheets on the homework bag icon on our website on our class page. 
  • Write a prayer or a thank you letter. What are you and your family thankful for this Harvest time?  
  • Pumpkin Maths – With an adult take the seeds out and estimate the total. Then count the number of seeds.  
  • Learn a new times table, for example the x3 table. 
  • TT Rock stars  for Year 2 


Have a lovely half term, 


Miss Herbert

Mrs Sears-Neale, Miss O’Reilly and Mrs Lang  

Pick 3 or more activities to complete :)

Handed out 8th October 


Miss Herbert   i-e  


pride    invite     shine    stride    knife  



Miss O'Reilly    qu     nk   


queen    pink   sink   monkey   queue     



Mrs Sears-Neale     CVC 


van   run   bed   bus   jam    



Quiz every Friday  laugh

Miss H  o-eMiss O'Reilly   th  ng Mrs Sears-Neale   cvc 

toes       dominoes  

hope      note


the   they  ring    sing   string bat   pin   sun   pot  vet  

