Monday 1st February
This week our genre is INSTRUCTIONS.
Watch the power point reminding you how to write instructions. Complete the sheets attached. Choose your colour challenge. Green, yellow or red. You do not need to complete all three.
Then watch Miss Herbert and Fflac make a sandwich! Uh oh!
Extension work
Q: What is your favourite sandwich?
Ask your friends and family about their favourite sandwiches. Can you draw and label your favourite sandwich?
Fflic and Fflac asked some of the staff. Do you agree with their choices?
Mrs Davies - turkey stuffing or tuna and mayo
Miss Herbert - cheese and pickle
Mrs Williams - hot roast chicken, stuffing and cranberry sauce
Mr Gardener - cheese, bacon and hot chilli sauce
Miss O'Reilly - tuna, cucumber and mayo
Mrs Sears-Neale - egg
Mr Moores - toasted bacon, lettuce and tomato
Tuesday 2nd February
Watch our student teacher Miss Smith introduce our sound of the week 'oo'.
Miss Smith would like you to practice reading and spelling these sounds.
Write 5 or more sentences using 'oo' words. Good luck!
Green 'oo' | Yellow | Red |
roof | spoon | cartoon |
tool | shoot | racoon |
food | broom | smoothie |
zoo | moon | snooze |
hoot | school | tooth |
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Genre: Instructions
On Monday we recapped on how to write instructions by making a jam sandwich. Today, Fflic causes trouble helping Miss Herbert make rock cakes!
The power point has been uploaded incase you would like to follow the recipe. You can make whatever you like, maybe ask an adult to choose a recipe from a cook book. The skills here are reading, measuring and following instructional steps. Stay safe and have fun!
Thursday 4th February
Literacy/ Humanities
Focus : How communications have changed.
Task: Watch Miss Herbert and Fflic make a string telephone and learn about how forms of communication have changed.
Friday 5th February 2021
Humanities and LLC - Welsh
Go to the TOPIC PLANET icon and watch Miss Smith revise how to talk about the weather in Welsh.