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Christchurch(Church in Wales) Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Eglwys yng Nghymru

Shine your Light


Introduction Maths 1st February 2021

Outlining the week ahead in Maths.

ANSWERS to FRI-YAY maths - Check them please!

Monday 1st February Finding fractions of Amounts 1

Finding Fractions of Amounts

Today's lesson is building on our fraction work - but looking at how we can find fractions of amounts using Fraction bars.

Choose your challenge level - RED, AMBER or GREEN. Click on the red boxes and write your answers in them.

These are slightly different files that might allow you to edit them.

Tuesday 2nd February (Lesson 1 - Finding Fractions of Amounts - Safari Park)

Finding Fractions of Amounts - Safari Park

Welcome to the first of today's TWO Numeracy session!This lesson is looking at using our Finding Fractions of Amounts skills to answer some problems.

These files should also be editable! Choose your level of challenge RED, AMBER or GREEN

These are slightly different files that might allow you to edit them.

Tuesday 2nd February - Session 2 - Word Problems

Using finding fractions of amounts to answer Word Problems

This will be the last time we look at fractions for a while so I wanted to finish it off with some Word Problems - Remember if you are unsure send me an email!

These files should be editable - Choose your Challenge Level - RED, AMBER or GREEN

These documents might allow you to edit them.Write in the red boxes.
