24.4.20 Memory game
Collect ten small objects from around your house and put them on a tray. Close your eyes and ask your grown up to hide one of the objects. Open your eyes, can you guess what’s missing?
You could start off with 5 objects to make this game easier or add more objects for a more difficult challenge.
23.4.20 The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Bug Hunt
The Very Hungry Caterpillar grows up to be a beautiful butterfly in the story. What other minibeasts can you think of? Can you find any in your garden or on your daily walk? What colour is the minibeast? How many legs it has got? How does it move? Does it walk, does it wriggle or does it fly?
Your task today is to make or draw a minibeast. You could build a model using blocks or junk materials, you could paint or draw your minibeast, maybe you could use your handprints or footprints to make your minibeast, you choose and have some fun. I would love to see a photograph of your finished minibeast, please email a photograph to Tyrr-HoweL@hwbcymru.net
22.4.20 The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Days of the Week
Listen to the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Talk about the story - what can you see? How many different foods does the caterpillar eat each day? Can you count them? Do you like the food that the hungry caterpillar is eating? Why?
Task - Draw a picture of your favourite food. Nursery - With a grown ups help write the name of the food you have drawn, maybe your grown up could write it and you write over their writing. Reception - Have a go at writing a sentence 'I like... because...' Ask your grown up for help to write this part of the sentence and you fill in the gaps on your own. Try to sound out the words yourself.
Have fun singing and dancing along to the Days of the Week song - Spread a little happiness!
21.4.20 Number 5
Can you sing 'Five little monkeys', 'Five little speckled frogs', 'Five little men in a flying saucer' or 'Five little ducks' with your mum or dad? Make your own puppets from your favourite song and put on a show.
Find sets of 5 objects around your house or garden such as toy cars, coins, pencils or teddies. How many different sets did you find?
Extra challenge: Can you find a bigger collection of objects e.g. 20. Can you sort them into sets of 5?
20.4.20 Rainbow Challenge
Can you build a rainbow? Collect objects around your house or garden and build your own rainbow. How many red objects did you find? How many yellow objects did you find? Can you take a photograph of your rainbow and email it to Mrs Tyrrell-Howell so she can share it with your friends? Make sure you put all the objects away when you've finished. Maybe you could try singing the 'I can sing a rainbow song' (see the link below).