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Christchurch(Church in Wales) Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Eglwys yng Nghymru

Shine your Light

Letters Home

End of term news 2024

Parent Newsletter June 2024

Summer Term After School Clubs 2024

Reminders for the Residential Trip

Parent Newsletter May 2024

Summer Fayre 2024

Parent Newsletter April 2024

EID Celebration Friday 12th April

End of term March 2024

Parent newsletter March 2024

World Book Day 8th March 2024

St David's Day Competition 2024

Parent Newsletter February 2024

Chinese New Year Letter

Christmas Countdown

Swansea Christmas Parade 2023

PTA New Year Intro Autumn 2023

KS2 Termly Information Autumn 2023

Welcome Letter September 2023

Dates for the Diary

Letter to Parents 26/05/23

Easter Newsletter

iGAS and Scarlet fever- Welsh Government advice

Music Workshop Y5

Diary Dates

Y3 & Y4 Singing for Governors

Local Authority Covid update

Competition Time

Year 5/6 Social Media and Screen Time Challenge

Residential Trip 16th-20th May 2022

Additional Learning Needs

Shwmae Day Friday 15th October

Parent Consultation Meetings

Transition to Comp application forms

Parent Governor Vacancy

Letter from Local Authority- Local area high alert

Letter from the Local Authority- Return to School Sept 2021

Letter from the Local Authority-Covid Update

Key Stage 2 - New Bubbles

Health Education Years 5 and 6

Miss Herbert needs your help!

General Letters March 2021

Key Stage 2 Return to School March 15th

Key Stage 2 Return to School March 15th

KSt2 on site education for pupils of key worker parents and vulnerable learners

Nursery-Year 2 Return to School February 24th 2021

Important letter from Local Authority

Year 6 Celebration Thursday 16th July

Check in sessions week beginning Monday 13th July

Key Stage 2 consent form for live teaching

Letter from Local Authority

Emergency childcare June 29th-July 17th

Provisional information on returning to school

Emergency Childcare 15th-22nd June. Please respond by midday 12th June.

Letter from the Director

Emergency Childcare Settings Easter/Weekends

Request form for free school meals during closure.

Letter for Home Learning Support

Urgent Child Care Response for Public sector and care providers

October 2019

September 2019

July 2019

June 2019

May 2019

April 2019

Residential information pack
