Dear Parents,
This is our last homework letter until the new year. A HUGE thank you for all your hard work and continued support in FP2. It has been a wonderful term! Please visit our website to see all the photographs. The children in Year 1 and 2 are AMAZING! They make us smile every day and they are a pleasure to teach! We hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and a lovely New Year!
Tuesday 20th December - School Christmas dinner
Wednesday 21st December – The school disco starts at 3:30pm to 5pm in the Church Hall. Tickets are £3. The ticket includes a hotdog and drink.
Wednesday 21st December – Class Party in school – Your child is welcome to bring a small plate of party food/ drink to eat. (This is separate to their lunch meal). The children are allowed to wear PARTY CLOTHES to school.
The last day for children is Thursday 22nd December.
CHRISTMAS HOMEWORK - Choose and complete 2 or MORE activities π
Our topic next term is ‘Woodlands in Wales’ Write/ Draw what you would like to learn/make/do in school next term. | Go on NUMBER BOTS and/or TT ROCKSTARS | Write an ACROSTIC poem. Read 5 or more books.
| Sing – perform a small carol concert in front of an audience like your family. |
Make Christmas biscuits. Follow a recipe. | Make a Winter picture. Use white paint or cotton wool for the snow. | Design and make some wrapping paper. Can you use patterns in a sequence? | Draw a snowman using 2D shapes. |
Write a letter to a friend telling them about your holiday. | Learn how to say Happy Christmas in 3 or 4 different languages. | Feed the birds in your garden or local park. Make them a feeder. | Help your parents by completing a task – for example setting out the table for a meal. |
Merry Christmas Miss Herbert and Mrs. Sears-Neale
TA’S - Miss O’Reilly Mrs. Lang Mrs. Taylor
NEW WORDS Quiz on Thursday because of the trip
At home try to read to an adult every day.
Each child was given the alphabet laminated with a board pen in September. Ask an adult to challenge you with blending and sounding words using sounds like 'ay' 'nk 'ng' 'igh'
sheep star hay Jesus baby
angel Bethlehem census nativity Christmas
HOMEWORK Handed out 25.11.22
Dear Parents,
We have had another fantastic week in FP2. In class, we have been using our subtraction and addition skills to problem solve mathematical questions, RWI sounds and writing explanation texts.
Reminder this year children will be taking part in a Christmas Nativity. Year 1 and Year 2 have already started learning Christmas songs. For the concert children can dress up as stars, angels or shepherds.
STARS – Wear black leggings and a black plain top. (We will make star hats in school)
ANGELS – Own white costume
SHEPHERDS – Plain dressing gown with a tea towel on their head.
Costumes will need to be handed in by FRIDAY 9th December, with your child’s name written on the bag please.
PE will now be every MONDAY afternoon. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school with their name on every item.
Can any outstanding consent forms/payments for our Christmas trip, please be handed in asap, so that we can give final numbers to Plantasia.
Christmas Fayre – 9th December in Christchurch Hall at 3:30pm
We have attached a list of useful mathematical websites that we use to help consolidate learning. Please have a look and ask your child to show you what they have been learning.
Read to an adult and ask them to write in your diary.
Learn your spelling words for your quiz next Friday.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Herbert, Mrs Sears-Neale
FP 2 Staff - Miss O-Reilly, Mrs Lang and Mrs Taylor
HOMEWORK Handed out 18.11.22
Dear Parents,
We have had another fantastic week in FP2. In class, we have been using our subtraction skills, RWI sounds and writing explanation texts. Thank you for supporting our Children in Need charity event.
This year children will be taking part in a Christmas Nativity. Year 1 and Year 2 have already started learning Christmas songs. For the concert children can dress up as stars, angels or shepherds.
STARS – Wear black leggings and a black plain top. (We will make star hats in school)
ANGELS – Own white costume
SHEPHERDS – Plain dressing gown with a tea towel on their head.
Costumes will need to be handed in by FRIDAY 9th December, with your child’s name written on the bag please.
PE will now be every MONDAY afternoon. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school with their name on every item.
Christmas trip letters have been handed out. Please return any consents and pay on SQUID.
In your homework book can you complete the subtraction worksheet.
Read to an adult and ask them to write in your diary.
Learn your spelling words for your quiz next Friday.
Every child has a Numbots account. Visit https://numbots.com/ Please see the sheet attached with your child’s log in details. Children can also access educational games on Topmarks https://www.topmarks.co.uk/
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Herbert, Mrs Sears-Neale
FP 2 Staff - Miss O-Reilly, Mrs Lang and Mrs Taylor
Date handed out: 28.10.22
Dear Parents,
We have had another fantastic week in FP2. Please look at our website to see all our adventures! This week we celebrated Diwali, we made sweets, rangoli patterns and we acted out Hindu stories!
The PE kits have been sent home to be washed and will need to be returned after half term.
Choose 2 or more activities to complete:
Go on a shape hunt with an adult. | Design and draw a shape monster using 2D shapes. | Learn a new times table. |
Make a kindness card and give it to somebody. | Go online and use Numberbots or TT Rockstars. | Read a book and write a book review. |
Write/ draw a recount. | Write the alphabet A-Z. Can you name an animal with each letter? Eg: A= ant B= badger | Go on a nature hunt and make a picture with the leaves you find. |
ALWAYS ask an adult to help you! |
Have a lovely half term!
Miss Herbert, Mrs Sears-Neale and the FP2 team π
ch | oy | igh |
chip chin child rich chop
| royal enjoy boy annoy destroy
| spotlight flight knight bright height |
Homework handed out: 14.10.22
Dear Parents,
We have had a super week in FP2! This week, we have been using number bonds, writing recounts and we walked around the school locality to draw pictures. Have a look on our website to see our adventures.
No school Friday 21st due to INSET
On Thursday 27th October, we are having a ‘Go Green Day- This is me in 2050!’. This is the third and final immersion day as part of our whole school topic ‘This is me!’. In school, your child will be taking part in a range of ECO related activities, and we will be thinking about what life will be like in the future.
There will be a stall selling recycled projects to buy with cash at the end of the school day in the school yard.
Learn your new words. Can you write a sentence using each word? We will have a quiz on Thursday.
Practise your number bonds. We found two lovely free websites in class :
Choose one of the following to complete in your yellow book:
Write the numbers bonds to 10, 100 or 1000. | Draw a portrait of a family member or friend. |
Log onto HWB and draw a self portrait. Passwords are in your homework book. | Design a poster to encourage people to recycle.
Have a lovely weekend π
Miss Herbert, Mrs Sears- Neale and the FP Team
Homework – handed out 7th October
Dear Parents,
We have had another wonderful week in FP2. This week we performed in our Harvest service, used data to construct graphs and we created portraits using paint.
On Friday 14th October, our school are having a Shwmae day to celebrate our Welsh culture as part of our whole school topic. Children can wear Welsh national costume, Welsh rugby/football tops or the colours of the flag.
We are asking for £5 per term to help cover the cost of daily fruit and also cooking activities.
Please encourage your child to complete their homework as it consolidates the learning covered in school.
Please continue to practise your sounds using the wipeable sheet and your maths skills using Numberbots or TT Rockstars.
Read to an adult and ask them to write in your diary. Your spelling words to learn are in your homework book. Practise them at home. A spelling quiz will take place the following Friday morning. We will start with 5 words.
Choose one of these activities to complete in your homework book :
Use natural objects and make a self-portrait. Take a photo and glue it into your book or upload it onto your HWB. | Read and follow instructions to make a yummy dish with an adult. Draw/ write what and how you made the dish. |
Draw and label a Harvest basket. What fruit and vegetables would you choose? | Write your own Harvest prayer. What are you and your family thankful for? |
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Herbert and Mrs Sears-Neale
HOMEWORK Handed out 30.9.22
Dear Parents,
We have had another fantastic week in FP2. In class we have been ordering numbers, writing instructions and learning our Harvest song. This week we enjoyed celebrating our diversities. Please visit our website to see our adventures.
HARVEST CONCERT – MONDAY 3RD OCTOBER 10AM – We will be collecting nonperishables for the local food bank.
PE will now be every MONDAY afternoon. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school with their name on every item.
In your homework book
Ask an adult to write 5 different numbers in a row e.g. 5 12 20 3 2
Can you write them in the correct order in your book starting with the smallest number
e.g 2 3 5 12 20
Ask your adult to write 5 or more different sets of number rows. If you feel confident in yr 2, write 3- or 4-digit numbers.
Read to an adult and ask them to write in your diary.
Every child has a Numbots account. Visit https://numbots.com/ Please see the sheet attached with your child’s log in details.
Spelling lists will start next week.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Herbert and Mrs Sears-Neale