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Christchurch(Church in Wales) Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Eglwys yng Nghymru

Shine your Light



Home Learning   13th July to  17th July 


Last week of term.


Time to reflect! Can you write about your time in Year 1/2? What have you enjoyed? 


We have been on many trips like the Santa visit in Mumbles Pier. We have dressed up for Chinese New Year, 'All about me' 'and lots of charity days. We celebrated Fflic and Fflac's birthday and we made lots of cool role plays. We had Frozen, full of penguins and a giant castle to play in! We have been working hard using out skills inside and outside of the classroom. We have had soooo much fun! 


What did you enjoy? Why? 


Please email me your comments.


I am super proud of each and every one of you! Have a lovely Summer holiday! 


Miss Herbert 


Home Learning 6th July -  12th July 


Year 1 will be reading the  RWI story 'Scruffy Ted'  in class and completing activities below. I have attached an 'e' book about toys for you to read at home too. 


Year 2 - Home learning in Literacy

I would like you to read my story 'Best Dress Ever'. It is about aliens on the planet Doop working together to make an outfit. You should be able to read it yourself. There are activities to support your understanding. 

You also have 'air' activities to support and extend. 


Don't forget to check out the Expressive Arts star for activities too! 


If you feel like a challenge year 1, have a look at year 2 work with an adult. Year 2 children have a go at year 1 work too to revise. 


Please email me any 3d aliens or bears you might make. Have fun! 

Miss Herbert laugh




Our focus in school for the week  will be learning our sounds in RWI and fun with adjectives. 


An adjective is a describing word. Authors use adjectives to help make characters come alive by using more imaginative wow words. 


I have added quite a lot of activities so have a look which sheets you feel you need to practice on. If you are in Year 2, have a look at Year 1 activities too! If you are in Year 1 and fancy a challenge.. look at year 2 activities. 


If you do not have a  printer... don't worry. Just write answers on a blank piece of paper or complete it orally with an adult. 

Have fun! Feel free to email us to let us know how you get on! 

Miss Herbert laugh

Week - June 22nd 




I am SO EXCITED that from the 29th June our school is open. I am really looking forward to seeing you all and hearing about your adventures. So this week your home learning is revision. Have a look at all of the work posted from the past few weeks and have fun revising! 

How well do you know your RWI sounds? 


See you all very soon! Stay safe, keep smiling smiley


Miss Herbert 


June 15th 


Hello! I hope you are enjoying your home learning. This week our topic is all about the beach. If you are able to go to the beach with an adult go and explore God's wonderful creation. I have attached lots of different Literacy activities for you to have a go at. Stay safe! 

Miss Herbert 

More ideas (with out a printer needed) 


 WITH AN ADULT  - stay safe and follow the beach rules smiley


  • Write your RWI sounds on the beach. Use shells to spell the sounds. 
  • Make a beach safety poster.
  • Visit the RNLI website and read about their hard work.
  • Use the skill of last week in poetry and write an acrostic poem.
  • Make sand art.
  • Play I spy with your family.
  • Take photographs of objects you find at the beach. Can you spell your name using the first letter of each object?

For example : WATSON    

W Waves

A  Angel fish

T  Turtle

S   Sand

O  Open toed shoes

N   ? Can you finish it? 

Have fun! 


June 8th 2020 



Thank you for your emails showing me your work. I love hearing from you! You are working hard and I very proud of you all. This week our Literacy focus is POETRY! I love poetry because you can be really imaginative and silly with words. 

Why don't you write a poem to a friend or a family member. You don't need to print out sheets. You could send a poem through the post, email or a text message with your parents guidance. Have fun! 

See below for activities on Poetry this week. Be creative!

Take care 

Miss Herbert wink

One of my favourite styles of poems is ACROSTIC poems. Look at my power

point to help explain how to write one. 

An acrostic poem is a poem that uses each of the letters in a particular topic word as the basis for the lines within the poem. Acrostic poems are often written to spell someone's name or words such as PEACE, LOVE, JOY, HOPE, and FRIENDSHIP.

How to make an acrostic?

  • Decide what to write about.

  • Write your word down vertically.

  • Brainstorm words or phrases that describe your idea.

  • Place your brainstormed words or phrases on the lines that begin with the same letters.

  • Fill in the rest of the lines to create a poem.


My example:


atson is my friend.

lways makes me smile.

oo much energy some days

S illy but funny

O ften sleeps on his tummy

N aughty but lovely 


Ice Cream

I love every flavour.
Cookies & Cream.
English Toffee.

Chocolate Chip.
Rocky Road.
Even Strawberry and
Almond Fudge.


Have a go! 

1st June 


We are celebrating National Wildlife Week, so check out all of the other home learning stars for more activities. 


Focus: RWI sounds, similes and improving our sentences


I hope you are reading lots at home. Try to read a range of genres like stories, factual books, cooking books and comics. Remember to practice your RWI sounds. 

Year 1 - How well can you read, write and make full sentences using set 1 sounds? (m  a  s  d   t  i  n  sh   th   ch   qu ---are a few examples)

Year 2 -How well can you read, write and make full sentences using set 2 sounds? (ar  oo  igh  oy  ay  ee  .....are a few examples)

Challenge yourself : Set 3 sounds ( u-e   ure   ire   ore   etc) 


Below are activities to further support some of the sounds above. Also, you are becoming amazing writers! To make you even better, let's look at using similes and compound sentences in year 2.If you feel like a challenge in Year 1, go for it! 


Similes are great for giving the reader an image. A simile is when you compare an object to something. For example.... using the word 'as' to compare. Sometimes you may see the word 'like' to use to compare.


Watson ran as fast as a cheetah in the park.

Mum was  busy as a bee.


YEAR 2  - Compound sentences -  This is were a sentence becomes longer by using a clause. For example.....


My mother washed the vegetables, then she cut them into small pieces.


These are tricky so look at the examples I have attached.


I really enjoy reading your emails telling me how you are doing! Keep them coming please. You can find all of the emails for the FP2 staff in the FP home learning icon. 

Take care Miss Herbert 






Literacy Genre: Persuasion text 

Persuasive texts come in many different forms. Some include advertisements, letters, debates, articles and reports.

Their main purpose is to persuade the reader to see an argument from their point of view and change their mind, buy or support something.

When I walked in the park I saw some rubbish/litter but no signs or posters persuading people to be kind to our planet. 

Look at these signs - What are they persuading you to do?

Can you do better? Look at the litter - is it right? Who should take responsibility to clean it up? 

What signs or posters are around where you live?


Remember our ECO CODE! 



Can you create a poster or write a letter persuading people to stop dropping litter and to save our woodland habitats?


Think about what facts you can use and how you can use persuasive language to convince the reader to help.


Email them to me please. 



Today after I finished my homework, Watson and I went to feed the ducks in our local park. We saw ducks,bats, squirrels and a hedgehog. It reminded me of the fantastic books written by Nick Butterworth called Percy the Park Keeper.  Have you any of these books in your house?


He has lots of animal friends and they get up different adventures in his park. They have even been turned into cartoons. So this week the home learning is inspired by this. Go to the Expressive Arts section too for related activities. 


CHALLENGE - Using all of the letters of the alphabet  A- Z, Can you name something you might see in a park? Why not think of different species of animals, flowers, trees and insects to help you. Email me your answers! Challenge your family! Good Luck!

Literacy Word wall (07.5.20)


Can you read and spell the words in my list? 


Theses are words we should know to help us read and write .Sometimes they are called 'high frequency words'. Why not practice writing the words in chalk in your garden or paint? Or mix mud with water to make writing a little more fun.  Miss H 

If you can read,write and spell one column, why not try the next column. 


Year 1 Year 2 Extension 

play         no

all             mum

dad           like

would      should 

could        sister 

people       first

suddenly     grandparents

window        swimming 

clothes        machine 

Year 2 Rhino story and activities -Go to the Expressive Arts page for ART ideas


Literacy Word wall (29.04.20)


Can you read and spell the words in my list? 


Theses are words we should know to help us read and write .Sometimes they are called 'high frequency words'. Why not practice writing the words in chalk in your garden or paint? Or mix mud with water to make writing a little more fun.  Miss H 

If you can read,write and spell one column, why not try the next column. 


Year 1 Year 2 Extension 

bed             the

we               in

Biff             Chip

me             bad 

children         made

what               what

where             there 

their                have

night          school

began        animals 

thought      everyone 

laughed      shouted 



Creative writing: Can you finish my paragraph? (24.4.20)

Apostrophes help - I had an email and here is help to fully understand using this skill :)

Are you revising your RWI sounds. Scroll down to the list on this webpage.  Can you read them all aloud? Are there any sounds you find tricky? Can you make up words using the sounds? Can you put these words into a sentence? 


Can you read and spell the words in my list? Over the next few weeks I will challenge you to new words to learn. Theses are words we should know to help us read and write .Sometimes they are called 'high frequency words'. Why not practice writing the words in chalk in your garden or paint? Or mix mud with water to make writing a little more fun.  Miss H (20.4.20)

If you can read,write and spell one column, why not try the next column. 


Year 1 Year 2  Extension 
my             cat about         after  could         should 
what          not brother      don't people        difference
can            and girl              because together       their 
dad             big house           sister there            they're 