HOMEWORK Handed out: 24.6.22
Dear Parents,
We have had another super busy fun packed week in FP2. This week we have been solving word problems in maths and learning about sea pollution in literacy.
Please remember to bring a hat, water bottle and to apply sun cream.
SPORTS DAY is on Wednesday 29th June in Victoria Park. Parents are welcome to watch. Please dress your child in their PE kit with a t shirt in the colour of their house.
Foundation Phase fun trip to Wiggly’s Farm is on Monday 18th July. Please complete the consent form and pay on Squid.
Literacy homework Miss H
Play against your family and use a timer.
Challenge :
How fast can you write out the alphabet?
How fast can you write out the alphabet backwards?
How fast can you say the months of the year in the correct order?
How many times can you write your name in 60 seconds?
Maths homework Mr G
This week, I would like you to learn a new times table!
You could:
Use the ‘Jamming’ feature on TT Rockstars to select a new times table (3s, 4s)
Make up a song using the times table
Throw a ball in the air and see how quickly you can recall the times table (clapping between each throw)
For an extra challenge – show the inverse of the times table – for example, 3 x 5 = 15, 15 ÷ 5 = 3
Have a lovely weekend π Miss Herbert, Mr G and FP2.
Date handed out: 25.3.22
Dear Parents,
We have had another fantastic week in FP2! Have a look at our website https://www.christchurchpri.co.uk/foundation-phase-2/ to see our adventures! The website has up to date news, events and important letters.
Please listen to your child read at home and sign their diary. π
If you have any old unwanted comics or children’s magazines, we would love to have them in our library.
YEAR 2 Spellings
Tigers + ire
| Monkeys ai | Lions words we use everyday |
bonfire expire tired retire admire retirement sapphire fire wire firework | rain brain train entertain strain main complain snail paint rainbow | they said like my what was went have with one |
YEAR 1 Spellings
Crocodiles | Lions / Monkeys | Elephants |
car star far sharp start market carpet
| book look took shook hook hoot boot | bad bin cat cup kit mud up |
Year 1 – complete the sheet attached
Year 2 - Sit with your adult and show them how we have been dividing by drawing circles to help us divide. Ask them to write 10 division sums in your homework book. π
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Herbert, Mr G and FP2 staff
Date handed out: 18.3.22
Dear Parents,
We have had another fantastic week in FP2! Have a look at our website https://www.christchurchpri.co.uk/foundation-phase-2/ to see our adventures!
Please listen to your child read at home and sign their diary. π
If you have any old unwanted comics or children’s magazines, we would love to have them in our library.
YEAR 2 Spellings
Tigers + tion (5 because they are tricky) | Monkeys +ear | Lions +ay |
celebration attention action station congratulations | ear hear fear gear near year spear Earth earring tear | play day say may way bay hay lay pay tray |
YEAR 1 Spellings
Crocodiles | Lions / Monkeys | Elephants |
book look took shook hook hoot boot | fair said fairy hair hairy pair stair a | pen men hen ten den bend |
Find 5 or more different objects around your home. Measure them how you like, for example pasta, tins, Cheerios, spoons or a ruler (cm). Be as creative as possible! Please draw the objects and the measurements in your homework book.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Herbert, Mr G and FP2 staff
HOMEWORK - Handed out 11.3.22
Dear Parents,
We have had a brilliant week in FP2. Please visit our website to see our adventures!
We are proud of the children, and they make us smile every day!
COMIC RELIEF is on Friday 18th March. Your child can wear non-school uniform and tell a joke to their class.
Please listen to your child read and write in their diary.
As part of our Bee Enterprise project, next week we will be tasting HONEY. If you would not like your child to take part, please tell Miss Herbert.
YEAR 2 TIGERS ea | MONKEYS ur ow | LIONS ng nk |
eat leave neat real clean please dream scream dreaming steam | nurse purse burn turn burp cow town drown crowd down | pink think ink wink sink ring sing wing thing bang |
fair chair stair pair hair said I you friend | port fork horse torch short born said born | pin bin win fin tin I a |
Homework – handed out 04.03.22
Dear Parents,
We have had a wonderful week! Please visit our school website and blogging pages to see lots of photographs. This week we celebrated St David’s Day, Ash Wednesday, Shrove Tuesday and World Book Day. It was so much fun!
Please read to an adult. Ask them to sign your reading diary.
Please bring your PE kit to school. We will have PE outside every FRIDAY.
Learn your spellings below and complete the number challenge.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Herbert, Mr G and the FP2 team
YEAR 2 TIGERS ure | MONKEYS ir | LIONS sh ch |
pure treasure mixture cure sure temperature nature future unsure adventure | twirl swirl dirt girl bird third skirt thirteen first birthday | shoe shop chop chip fish dish wish ship chair she
order door torch porch horse poor force
see tree three meet sheet feet |
pin it on cat mat bat said |
Maths Challenge
Remember to use SNOT (ask yourself, neighbour, other, parent) if you get stuck.
Ask yourself: What date is my birthday?
Challenge: How many days are there until your next birthday?
You could use a calendar / Google to help youπ
Homework handed out: 11th February
Dear Parents,
We have had another fantastic week in FP2. Please visit our class pages and blog on our website. In class we have been learning about multiplication, Diwali and we took part in a mental health session delivered by CAMHS. Visit www.christchurchpri.co.uk and click on the ‘children’ tab.
If you have any old unwanted children’s comic books or magazines, please bring them in to add to our reading library.
If you have any spare underwear for our ‘changing box’, we’d appreciate any donations.
Half term starts 21st February.
Learn your words in the chart. You may want to use rainbow writing in your homework book to help you practice.
Tiger aw | Monkeys ow | Lions set 1 RWI |
awesome straw squawk jaw yawn saw claw draw dawn hawk | snow crow grow pillow slow show bowl growl low glow | dad sat dig got pan pin dog wig cup vet |
Crocodiles set 4 red words | Lions ch, sh | Elephants cvc set 1 red words |
sway sight chips all night swing watch play | ship mash shampoo chap chip chop chin | pin dog it on the
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Herbert, Mr Gardner and the FP2 team π
Homework handed out 4.2.22
Dear Parents,
We have had another fantastic week in FP2. Please visit our class pages and blog on our website. In class we have been learning about number bonds and instructions. We celebrated two festivals. We took part in a Christingle Service and we enjoyed an entire day celebrating Chinese New Year.
Go to our website https://www.christchurchpri.co.uk/reading-bear-challenge-2022/ to see the bear photographs we have already uploaded. π
PE will be every Friday outside. Please ensure your child has joggers and trainers in their PE bag.
If you have any old unwanted children’s comic books or magazines, please bring them in to add to our reading library.
Learn your words in the chart. You may want to use rainbow writing in your homework book to help you practice.
Tiger oa or | Monkeys ear air | Lions important words to know |
goat roast toast coach toad horse sport snort sort fork | ear hear dear gear year
air fair chair hair stairs | was the my when
they said day play say |
Crocodiles set 4 red words | Lions nk | Elephants cvc set 1 red words |
they half do friend February even another | think pink sink bank ink link away | the on be of said go
Year 1 / 2 Challenge:
Number Bonds – Can you find 10 or more different ways to make your target number?
For example 10 can be made from 5+ 5= 10 6+ 4= 10
Choose a level!
Target number = 10
Target number = 100
Target number = 1000
Thank you, have a lovely weekend,
Miss Herbert, Mr Gardner and the FP2 team π
Homework handed out 4.2.22
Dear Parents,
We have had another fantastic week in FP2. Please visit our class pages and blog on our website. In class we have been learning about number bonds and instructions. We celebrated two festivals. We took part in a Christingle Service and we enjoyed an entire day celebrating Chinese New Year.
Go to our website https://www.christchurchpri.co.uk/reading-bear-challenge-2022/ to see the bear photographs we have already uploaded. π
PE will be every Friday outside. Please ensure your child has joggers and trainers in their PE bag.
If you have any old unwanted children’s comic books or magazines, please bring them in to add to our reading library.
Learn your words in the chart. You may want to use rainbow writing in your homework book to help you practice.
Tiger oa or | Monkeys ear air | Lions important words to know |
goat roast toast coach toad horse sport snort sort fork | ear hear dear gear year
air fair chair hair stairs | was the my when
they said day play say |
Crocodiles set 4 red words | Lions nk | Elephants cvc set 1 red words |
they half do friend February even another | think pink sink bank ink link away | the on be of said go
Year 1 / 2 Challenge:
Number Bonds – Can you find 10 or more different ways to make your target number?
For example 10 can be made from 5+ 5= 10 6+ 4= 10
Choose a level!
Target number = 10
Target number = 100
Target number = 1000
Thank you, have a lovely weekend,
Miss Herbert, Mr Gardner and the FP2 team π
Homework handed out 28.1.22
Dear Parents,
We have had another fantastic week in FP2. Please visit our class pages and blog on our website. In class we have been learning about symmetry, taking part in discussions and we celebrated St Dwynwen’s day.
Go to our website https://www.christchurchpri.co.uk/reading-bear-challenge-2022/ to see the bear photographs we have already uploaded. π
PE will be every Friday outside. Please ensure your child has joggers and trainers in their PE bag.
If you have any old unwanted children’s comic books or magazines, please bring them in to add to our reading library.
We will be celebrating Chinese New Year on Friday 4th February. Your child can dress up in Chinese costume or wear RED.
Learn your words in the chart. You may want to use rainbow writing in your homework book to help you practise.
Tiger a-e u-e ur | Monkeys oo ai | Lions oo |
shake game brave cake nurse purse burn brave excuse accuse | spoon mood moon paid snail train rain chain broom baboon | look book took cook foot hook shook looking cooking football |
Crocodiles nk | Lions igh | Elephants cvc ay |
sink, pink, wink, rink, think, stink are | see three tree I he she sheep | no are or play say pay
Year 1 / 2 Challenge:
Choose a level!
Can you make symmetry using household items? (blocks, food, toys, nature) Take a photo and send them to Mr G!
Using the alphabet, write each capital letter. Circle each letter that has a line of symmetry?
Thank you, have a lovely weekend,
Miss Herbert, Mr Gardner and the FP2 team π
Homework handed out 21.1.22
Dear parents,
What another super week we have had in FP2. We built shelters, planted seeds and we compared a range of numbers. Go to our website to see our adventures. https://www.christchurchpri.co.uk/
The photographs with the reading bears are AMAZING! We are really pleased how well the children have taken on this mission. You have until after half term to send your photographs in. Please email them to Miss Herbert or Mr G.
Go to our website https://www.christchurchpri.co.uk/reading-bear-challenge-2022/ to see the bear photographs we have s already uploaded. π
PE will be every Friday outside. Please ensure your child has joggers and trainers in their PE bag.
If you have any old unwanted children’s comic books or magazines, please bring them in to add to our reading library.
We will be celebrating Chinese New Year on Friday 4th February. Your child can dress up in Chinese costume or wear RED.
We will celebrate Christingle in school on the 31st January. Your child will bring a Christingle home.
Learn your words in the chart. You may want to use rainbow writing in your homework book to help you practice.
Tiger ea oi | Monkeys ou oy | Lions ay ee |
choice noise voice please scream leave clean neat | shout pout mountain enjoy toy round boy mouth | say play may day way three bee tree
Crocodiles ee | Lions igh | Elephants cvc ay |
see bee tree free three all are come | high, night, fright, tight, away, go, he | say play day no I he |
Maths Mr G’s Challenge:
Year 1 / 2 –
Count the number of letters in your name Josh = 4
Count the number of letters in the names of your family
Order your results from smallest to greatest
Choose a Chilli level! Put the numbers in order from smallest to largest. Feel free to try 2 or all 3 levels.
16, 2, 7, 4, 11, 13 20, 6, 14, 7, 19, 4
23, 67, 21, 45, 3, 39, 50 22, 45, 32, 10, 0, 42, 31
1000, 254, 389, 105, 554, 87 509, 67, 518, 499, 61, 489, 331,
Thank you, have a lovely weekend,
Miss Herbert, Mr Gardner and the FP2 team π
FP2 HOMEWORK – Handed out January 14th 2022
Dear Parents,
We had a fantastic first full week back in school. Please visit our website to see our adventures. https://www.christchurchpri.co.uk/
We are asking for a donation of £4.50 per child for fruit money. This money is used to help pay for biscuits, cooking activities and festive craft.
PE will be on a Friday. We will have PE outside. Your child will need joggers and daps to change into in their PE bag. Please write your child’s name on their belongings.
Every child has been given a reading friend bear. Please try to encourage your child to read at home. We have challenged the children and staff to take a photograph reading a book with the bear in an unusual place. Please email photographs to the teachers.
Miss Herbert Herbert S5@hwbcymru.net
Mr Gardner Gardners36@hwbcymu.net
Learn your words below. The children will have a spelling quiz on Friday.
Read with your bear and take photographs. You have until the end of January to send a photograph.
show chair because went story ate said night knight playing | they was the toy play hair high
stew pink ship | cat pin mat dog
fox bug top hat
rat sun |
flight high sigh I the said | say day play I no
| my no cat sat mat |
May I take this opportunity to thank you for all of your support and kindness. We hope you have a lovely weekend π.
Miss Herbert , Mr Gardner and the FP2 team