Expressive Arts is FUN! It is very important to practice skills in Art, Music and Dance when at home. I will attach different activities and games you can enjoy. Some of them need a printer but you could always ask an adult to draw for you the templates. Be CREATIVE! If you do not have a particular resource use something different, then your creation will be totally unique!
I would love to see some of your work - just take a picture and send it to my school email.
Stay safe
Miss Herbert
15th JUNE Literacy Beach activities - ALWAYS WORK WITH AN ADULT if you visit the beach.
Make sand art pictures.
Collect objects from the beach to make a sculpture
Take photographs of interesting objects- use the zoom tool to take pictures at different angles
Play I spy on the beach
Sing and perform beach songs
Can you make a musical instrument using beach resources?
Can you make the sound of the waves with your voice?
What can you hear?
8th June
In Literacy this week, we are looking at POETRY. This is a brilliant topic for Expressive arts.
DRAMA- Film, record yourself with a parent performing your poetry in front of an audience.
ART- Paint your poem on paper or outdoors. Make each capital letter pretty.
MUSIC- Create a melody - background music to your poem. Perform to family or friends.
Be creative! Have fun!
Miss Herbert
19.5.20 Activities to support Literacy Persuasive genre
Can you design a poster to persuade people not to litter. Email me your posters.
The Hungry Caterpillar story:
Paint your own butterfly.
Use chalk to make a butterfly on the pavement.
Make a 3D model out of rubbish.
Take a picture and email me your artwork please if you can
Rhino Story :
Paint your own rhino
Make a 3D model out of rubbish/ play dough etc .
Take a picture and email me your artwork please if you can